I went to Gilmour on Sunday morning. We are studying Colossians right now. Good book.
'In order that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and may please him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God, being strengthened with all power according to his glorious might so that you may have great endurance and patience, and joyfully giving thanks to the Father... (Colossians 1: 9-12)
That afternoon - I spend at the Telfords with the other university students :) The Telfords consist of Mom, Dad, sister and many brothers! I had the opportunity to hold a baby goat named Kimmy! Chickens were roaming the barn and I played with the boys :D Micah and I had a burping contest, I won ;) He's five. We played, had good conversation - it was a relaxing and pleasant afternoon, eating pie and basking in the sunshine :)
Sunday night, the housemates and I, went bowling to spend one last time together - it was enjoyable! I always forget how much I love bowling, and how to throw the ball at first ;) Oops, I'm sure the floor was survive! I shall miss Bullseye, Cheeky, Stripes and Batman?!? at Unit 15... Unit #15 Squad :D
Monday and Tuesday have also been fabulous! Time with the sister, time with summer housemates, so funny! Encouraging letters, verses, conversations, new music from my dealer ;) A new book. Basketball, wings and garlic bread :) I am now also addicted to Online Chess. Any takers ;) I love a challenge! My grade six teacher, Mr. Barkley, taught me how to play chess, he taught the whole class.. we had a period of chess on Friday afternoons - he thought it would be beneficial to us! It was :) I am now able to become addicted to Online Chess - hours of fun and anticipation :)
I love the smell of rain, or to be specific, the smell of a summer night. Tonight as I rode my bike home from work - I got lost in the beauty of the night! The smell, the stars, the moon, the different sounds of nature... I also had myself a chuckle as I rode down the sidewalks, (because my light is broken, and I didn't want to die on the roads) As I sang some songs - at each crack on the sidewalk, my voice bounced. I was amused!
What is God teaching me right now? That everyday I need to trust him anew. That when feelings of doubt, uncertainty and failure flood my mind, I know better to not reflect on those thoughts. God teaches me everyday to focus. What it means to follow and believe him and time. His perfect timing. He is my strength. He is my first love. Eyes for him alone.
A friend encouraged me with this, and I would like to do the same for you... no matter what chapter in life you are experiencing in this moment...
As you start his chapter of your life you will be amazed how quickly endings become beginnings. At times you will be in awe as you reflect on where you have been and what God has done thus far, then the next moment you will step out with your "feet of faith" and recognize He has only just begun. Enjoy every moment, cherish every chance meeting with those He sends into your presence, smile and be silly, simply because you can and always, always marvel at how much your Maker loves you as a one of a kind masterpiece.
Much love,
Sarah Beth Yoshiki <><
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