This week I have the privilege and honour to baby-sit my cousins and their friend, Julie, in Wasaga Beach while their parents are off gallivanting in.. Hmm... I should really know where they are ;) I have the number! Along with numerous maps, daily instructions and general information.
The adventures began yesterday as I met my uncle at the half way point, my parents kindly drove me there. From him, I received the 411 on the car, information that I would encounter upon my arrival from my aunt and various questions about life. This resulted in him telling me the story of how he met my aunt. It was a good car ride.
Once arrived, I met Julie, the eleven year old girl that I would be spending my week with, and her parents. Nice people. More information :) The ladies went over the instructions, directions and whereabouts of things that I might need throughout the week, while the men sat back and chuckled to themselves about every single detail. I was amused, yet listening :)
Today was filled with children waking up at 7:00...They very kindly told me to go back to sleep, while they played Game Cube. I slept for another hour. Breakfast was made, scrambled eggs and toast. I had a shower to prepare and wake me for the day. As I exited the washroom in a towel, I was attacked by little circular Frisbee type pellets in the hands of Becca and Julie :)
It was an amusing way to start the day, they screamed as I chased after them. I dressed and off we went to collect Beth. She had spent the night at a friend’s watching movies and probably talking about boys.. that’s what girls do at sleepovers :D
It is only Saturday and already I know what toy I am going to dislike greatly by the end of my visit, because it has already been the beginning of many arguments and frustrations from the younger girls. It’s an electronic pet, the ones that you feed, take to the washroom, play games with… and the ones that fall asleep. In this household, once they fall asleep, they are as good as dead. The girls reset them, because a sleeping pet is no fun at all! :) I'm glad that they don't have real pets... The younger girls and I went ice skating and grocery shopping this afternoon. Ice skating was relaxing as I watched from the sidelines. Some peaceful moments were had. Grocery shopping on the other hand, was far from peaceful as the two girls each wanted their own cart, the little ones that squeak excessively.. they each needed to have the same amount of food in their cart, so we had to count and compare at times :) There were incidents that I won’t speak of ;) but heels were hit and … [okay, so I might be exaggerating a wee bit :) ]
I made tacos for dinner as the girls ate the majority of the grated cheese before the meal.. tsk tsk.. The meal went well, and I recall silence for at least five minutes straight.. which hadn’t happened yet, and will probably not happen again, at least not before 8:00 p.m. :)
It is now 9:46 on Saturday evening, and I am ready for bed. Becca went to bed at 8:00, Julie to bed at 9:00… Beth is still yet to be dropped off. She has spend the evening at a friend’s from the church.. So, I wait, as a parent waits for their child. Not worried, just waiting.. looking forward to the sleep that I will encounter soon. And hoping that it will be soon. For this first time parent of a nine year old, eleven year old and thirteen year old is ready for bed :)
More adventures in babysitting to continue…
Much love, and good night!
Hey Sarah,
You sound like you're having a blast, way to update! Glad to hear that the towel stayed on ok;) Have a blast of a week!
oh by the way the parents are in Arizona............doing the Grande Canyon, Hoover Damn and such..........just in case you really wanted to
Can hardly wait for the updates........amazing what parenthood will
Ready for bed long before 11:00...hope you are getting your rest.
Love, Mom
Sounds like you are having a great time. Enjoy it. I am enjoying (not!) at leat 2 tests a week, so school life is crazy!
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